Heshbon 4 post
- Adjustable parking ratchet rails ensure that the platforms and cross
members are
horizontal within 4-wheel alignment tolerances
- Hydraulic two-level scissor jack(option)
- Automatic spring-loaded eccentric brake system in the event of cable
also ensures complete stability during parking
- Effective dual electronic safety system
- Drive-through ramp(option)
- 4 Tonne
- Auxiliary lift built into the platforms for wheel free operation
- Front recesses and rear slide plates for 4-wheel alignment operation
- Adjustable ratchet rails in each post
- Electrical synchronization control system by photo sensor
- Lighting set, 4 units(option)
- Two-stage safety system slack cable and cable breakage and
spring-load eccentric brake system
- Automatic parking button
- Emergency ascent and descent systems
- Fool-proof safety control panel
- Two-stage descent system gives full foot protection
- Pneumatic locks on rear slide plates for 4-wheel alignment operation
- 4 Tonne
- Accurate lockbars on each column
- Hydraulic two-level jack (option)
- Two-wire type wire rope
- Effective dual electronic safety device
- Eccentric brake system
- Drive through ramp
- Adjustable parking ratchet rails ensure that the platforms and cross
members are horizontal within 4-wheel alignment tolerances
- Automatic spring-loaded eccentric brake system in the event of cable
breakage also ensures complete stability during parking
- 6 Tonne